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Chapter 4: Troubleshooting

Troubles with the license of the i3ALLSYNC Receiver?

What can you do:

  • Check if you’re connected with the internet.

  • Using the receiver for the first time? Please insert a LAN cable.

  • Make sure you’re connected with the internet and restart the device.

Is the problem still not solved? Please contact our service team.

Network issues with your i3ALLSYNC Touch HDMI/Type-C transmitter?

Are you trying to pair the hardware transmitter with the software receiver but fail? There are two possible solutions that you can try firstly:

  1. If you are using TX45 transmitters, check with your IT manager if the WiFi network is 2.4 GHz. The TX45 transmitter can’t work on a 5.0 GHz network. Only the new TX46 supports dual-band.

  2. Check if the hotspot name on i3TOUCH contains special characters. When pairing, there is a moment when the transmitter accesses the i3TOUCH display hotspot for data exchange, and the former does not read special characters. so please make sure the hotspot name contains only numbers, and case-sensitive characters, but no +, ], /, ", TAB, and trailing spaces.

If you would like to have more information on how to use the i3ALLSYNC solution in combination with the network, then please refer to Chapter 5: i3ALLSYNC Advanced Network Configurations.

If your i3TOUCH receiver recently switched WiFi networks, then please close your ALLSYNC application and restart it again.

Touchback issues

The touchback on your interactive touch display isn’t working? Please be aware that the touchback function only works when you are screen sharing with:

  • The i3ALLSYNC Touch HDMI/Type-C transmitter (hardware solution).

  • The i3ALLSYNC windows transmitter (software application).

  • The i3ALLSYNC macOS transmitter (software application).

Applications which do not support touchback:

  • The i3ALLSYNC Android transmitter (software application).

  • Airplay for iOS and macOS.

  • Google Cast for macOS/Windows/Android.

What can you do when touchback doesn’t work:

  • Please make sure that the touchback is enabled on the receiver (refer to 2-2-1).

  • Please make sure that the USB for touchback is connected properly.

  • Still no touchback? Please shut down the device and restart it.

  • When none of the above solutions have worked, please contact our service and support team.

No sound

Your screen is sharing but there is no sound on your touch display?

  • Please check if the sound of your touch display is loud enough. Turn up the volume of the touch display.

  • Using the i3ALLSYNC software transmitter? Please check if the volume of your application is open.

  • Check in the settings of your laptop if it’s using the speakers of the interactive touch display.

  • Is the problem not solved by checking these issues? Then please contact our service and support team.

Mac permission settings

Above macOS 10.13, it will require permission to execute software on your Mac. If the permission is not open, it will cause the projection without the sound of i3ALLSYNC. When you install the i3ALLSYNC app on your Mac for the first time, the device will ask permission like below:

Choose Open Security Preferences

Now click the lock icon to unlock it, then choose “allow”

How to turn on Mac permissions if you didn’t allow permission when you installed the software?

Go to “system preferences”

Select “security & privacy”

Choose the tab “General” and click the lock icon to unlock it, then choose “allow”

Windows 24H2 (26100.2033) permission issue

After Windows Update 24H2 (26100.2033), the user might get system permission-related issues when launching i3ALLSYNC. This is a new behavior introduced by Windows 24H2. To resolve this, the user can either:

  1. Grant i3ALLSYNC admin rights, this solves all the problems related to system permissions.

  2. Premit i3ALLSYNC to use “desktop location“, this permission allows i3ALLSYNC to access WiFi info so a wireless presentation flow can be made.

Other problems?

Please contact our customer service team, they will be happy to help you out.

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