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i3RDM Server 2.4.0

i3RDM Server 2.4.0

Released 2/Apr/24

New features

  • i3RDM UX/UI improvements
  • Device details UX improvements


  • Reorganize device details page
  • As a device/company admin, I can export device information to CSV
  • Implement cleanup job to remove old notifications
  • Device details are editable from support page but they fail
  • As a user I cannot peform a speed test on devices that don't support it
  • Add "hand" icon on hover of clickable row in overview tables
  • As a device/company admin I can create a snapshot from an online device
  • As a user i can upload an APK to the RDM Server repo up to 500Mb (increase limit)
  • As a device/company admin I can create a remote config straight from a device configuration
  • As a company/device admin, I can only read/change settings that are supported on my device
  • As a company/device admin, I can lock the display after changing the access settings
  • As an i3RDM user I can close the device settings flyout menu on device details page by clicking outside of the flyout
  • As a company/device admin I can I can interact with the refresh data and delete functionality in it's new location
  • As an i3RDM user I can no longer see the 'old settings/actions widget'
  • As a device/company admin I can set my optional FW update preferences for a device / device group
  • As the system I pass the version_code of the apk that I dispatch for installation
  • Only show device supported aspect ratio in backgrounds flyout
  • Motion sensor on device details changes
  • Take into account whether or not Wake option is available on a device
  • As an i3RDM user I can see and interact with the new menu structure and icons
  • As a company/device admin I can check the device's internal storage status
  • As a company/device admin I can check the online/offline state of a display and test the device's WIFI connection
  • As a company/device admin, I can see and change the set device manage access settings on a device details page
  • As a company/device admin, I can see and change the set device power schedule on a device details page
  • As a company/device admin, I can see and change the set device i3WHITEBOARD preferences on a device details page
  • As a company/device admin, I can see and change the set device homepage tiles on a device details page
  • As a company/device admin, I can see and change the set device motion sensor and signage settings on a device details page
  • As a company/device admin, I can see and change the set device background on a device details page
  • As a company/device admin, I can see and change the set device launcher mode on a device details page
  • As a company/device admin, I can see and change the set device theme on a device details page
  • As a company/device admin, I can see and change the set device FW update preferences on a device details page
  • As a company/device admin, I can see and change the set device timezone on a device details page
  • As a company/device admin, I can see and change the set device language on a device details page
  • As a company/device admin, I can add the whiteboard/blackboard preference for new boards in my remote config


  • Telescope prune job should not be executed if Telescope is not enabled
  • A user cannot change his email address if it already exists in the database.
  • User profile access changes are not always pushed to SQS
  • Commands issued by support engineer to devices in other tenants fail
  • Devices that have not been connected to RDMS after RDMS 2.4.0 release may not be accessible anymore with user profiles
  • setting the automatic updates from the device or group overview allows illegal config of "Only optional" updates.
  • failTimedOutCommands does not take thumbnailcommand into account
  • After setting a background image from the settings the "in progress" icon remains indefinitely
  • Improve contrast notch is enabled, but the switch in the flyout is in the OFF state
  • Setting was applied correctly but doesn't update in the font-end properly
  • CSV export fails for devices with "old style" properties
  • Missing input source translation
  • deviceSetAutomaticFirmwareUpdates response job fails
  • upstream timed out (110: Connection timed out) while reading response header from upstream
  • Reposition certain menu items
  • Storage widget radial does not scale correctly
  • Device detail page throws 500 exception when no signage app is set
  • On the device we can select a 20 minute time out for motion sensor / digital signage. this setting does not exist on the server
  • Launcher tiles settings editors triggers unwanted validation exceptions due to null values in deviceinfo
  • Alignment of start and end icons for power schedules on device settings / remote configs is slightly off
  • Thumbnail is not updated after background was changed
  • Flyout menu on device details heavily impact performance
  • ProcessDeviceUploadBackgroundThumbnailResponse not implemented
  • New deviceInfoResponse handling does not set all device properties in the database
  • Device settings chevron doesn't rotate on open state

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