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Q-play 2.2.1

Q-play 2.2.1

Released 20/Nov/23

About the application

With Q-Play you get access to an online platform where you can display pictures, videos, text, and much more on digital screens hanging all around your venue, sports club, theater, etc.

In the Q-Play platform, you just upload the logos of all your sponsors and use them and the Q-Play Editor to create an awesome-looking design. You can either display all of the logos at once or have them pop onto the screen one at a time. – It is all up to you.

Designing a digital signage solution in Q-Play is very much like creating a PowerPoint. By Drag ‘n Drop of apps, you create a design that helps you display all of your sponsors in a modern and digital way.

When you have created your design, you are ready to display it on an external screen of your choice.

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