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EX-2024-The i3ANNOTATE Tool menu

i3ANNOTATE provides many of the same tools as i3WHITEBOARD, which you can use to interact with the canvas.

i3ANNOTATE Tool menu

The i3ANNOTATE Tool menu is similar to the i3WHITEBOARD one.

  • Selection tool

  • Drawing tool

  • Eraser tool

  • Shape tool

  • Text tool

  • Sticky note

  • Pen tool - the number of pens will depend on whether your i3TOUCH display comes with physical pens

  • VR tools

Selection tool

You can use the pointer tool and the box select tool to select objects.

Pointer tool allows you to select a single object and also allows you to pan around the canvas.

The box select tool allows you to drag a rectangle around the objects that you want to select.

When you select one or more objects, the Features menu will appear at the bottom of the screen.

This Features menu will allow you to change the selected objects' features, like line thickness and color.

Pick a color and all the selected objects will change to the selected color.

To the right of the Features menu, you’ll also see the option to duplicate, copy, and delete the object.

Options for selected objects:

  • Copy → you can paste a copied object via a long press and choose the paste option.

  • Duplicate → instantly create a copy of the object at the same location.

  • Delete - delete the object.

Drawing tool

There are 2 presets available:

  • Pencil

  • Marker

The Features menu will allow you to change the color and line thickness before drawing.

The Marker tool is slightly transparent. The Features menu will show a color palette that is specific to the Marker tool, like bright colors.

Eraser tool

You can customize the size of the eraser tool in the Features menu. You can also delete the whole canvas at once by selecting the trashcan in the bottom right.

Alternatively, you can erase using certain gestures:

  • Four-finger erase → use 4 fingers

  • Palm erase → use the palm of your hand to erase

Palm erase is supported only on the following displays:

  • i3TOUCH EX

  • i3TOUCH PX (only on updated models with palm rejection settings disabled)



Shape tool

Use our shape presets to draw various shapes on the canvas.

You can also customize the color, and line size with the color presets and color picker from the Features menu.

Text tool

Use the text tool to type text on the canvas using the on-screen keyboard.

Sticky note

You can add 4 types of preset sticky notes to the canvas.

You can easily draw or write on top of the Sticky note.

Objects within the boundaries of the sticky note will be merged with the sticky note. If you select them, you can scale or move both at the same time.

VR Tool

Note: Virtual Reality (VR) tools can be activated from the Settings menu in i3WHITEBOARD.

There are three tools: Nautical Protractor Ruler, a Normal Ruler, and a Drawing Compass. These tools will appear on the screen once their toggle is activated. To remove them from the screen, they must be untoggled.

Nautical Protractor Ruler/Triangle Protractor

The nautical protractor ruler can be found as the first option in the VR tools menu.

Besides drawing, this ruler also helps define and measure angles by placing the center of the ruler (bottom) at the starting point of the lines we want to measure.


The second option in the VR Tools menu is the regular ruler. This ruler can draw straight lines or make relative measurements on the device.

Both rulers could extend the drawn line outside their borders as long as the drawing started on the ruler, with all the sides available for drawing.

Drawing compass

The drawing compass is the third option in the VR tools menu. Unlike the other tools, the drawing compass has different sections with which you can interact, namely the handle and the wheels.

For detailed documentation on how to use the VR Tools, see the i3WHITEBOARD documentation: EX-2024-The i3WHITEBOARD Tool menu

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