i3Whiteboard 1.20.3 (hotfix)
i3Whiteboard 1.20.3 (hotfix)
Released 6/nov/24
- Action menu changes position when features menu does animations, even when there is more than sufficient space between both
- Color and shadow distortion of sticky notes near display edges
- Difficult to put text-object on sticky note and impossible to edit text-object on stick note
- In the icon library accidentally clicking outside a delete or change name dialog makes it disappear
- Changing the export/save location crashes whiteboard
- Translations overlap/unclear on text elements
- Update finger/pen colour on selection
- i3ANNOTATE 1.20.1 Cursor and Overlay Issue
- Investigate and fix rate limit for fonts in WB
- Background thumbnails are changing and not correct before or when selecting
- i3WB 1.20.1 crashes when trying to open icon from own uploaded library