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Remote Control - Overview

Overview remote control buttons

  1. Display power on

  2. Mute/unmute the sound

  3. Start

  4. Space

  5. Alt+Tab cycles through open apps

  6. Alt+F4 closes application

  7. Keypad for numeric input

  8. Return to previous menu item

  9. Display (freeze)

  10. Go to Main menu

  11. Select different input

  12. Enter Settings menu

  13. Quick action button

  14. 4-way selection button

  15. Dim / show display (backlight on/off)

  16. Back (return to previous)

  17. Enter (confirm selection)

  18. Page up / down

  19. Start whiteboard application

  20. Volume up / down

  21. Channel up / down

  22. Function keys


Battery compartment

Make remote control ready for use

  1. Open the back cover by sliding the latch up and taking off the lid

  2. Insert 2x AAA batteries; pay attention to the correct orientation

  3. Reinsert the lid


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