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i3TOUCH X2 2.0.0

i3TOUCH X2 2.0.0

Released 09/Apr/24

Released for i3TOUCH X2 sizes 86, 75 and 65 inch.


  • Added UI translations into German, French, Dutch, Spanish

  • Added display settings to define another default video source

  • Added display settings to define wakeup on input source

  • Modified the cyan outline of windowed applications, for improved experience while resizing windows


  • Resolved an issue where the audio from USB camera’s was not accessible in video conferencing applications

  • Resolved an issue where network settings could be forgotten after a reboot

  • Resolved an issue where Wake On Lan would not be available in some configurations

  • Resolved an issue where several functions of the multifunctional button were not available for i3RDM users

  • Resolved an issue caused by bad timings between system boot and OPS boot.

  • Resolved several issues causing the display to not complete its booting sequence correctly.

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