Release Notes - i3TOUCH X3 - 2.1.0
It may take up to 30 minutes to install this update. Please be patient. The update can install in the background while the system is used, and apply on next reboot.
New features
Added a solution to entirely disable Android and use the device only with HDMI input. [10]
Replaced the background image when there is no video input available on input channels. [226]
Optimized several system functions to lower the energy consumption. [279]
Added function to the Multifunctional Button: Freeze touch operation. [335]
Added the Miracast function to i3ALLSYNC. [374]
Improvements to features
Lowered the default volume of notification alerts. [87]
Added more compatibility with other OPS devices to boot and shutdown the system. [136]
Accurately defined the system to not support portrait orientation. [141]
Improved the Freeze Screen function of the Multifunctional Button. [334]
Redesigned the solution to remove undesired and conflicting Android UI elements from i3STUDIO environment. [346]
Improved the upgrade process of touch controller firmware. [422]
Bug fixes
Resolved an issue where some devices could not create a hotspot on the 5 GHz frequency bands. [93]
Resolved an issue where the system could not extract the microphone audio from H.264 video streams of UVC camera’s. [331]
Resolved the issue where USB 3.0 devices would only connect with USB 2.0 data rate. [347]
Resolved the issue that the audio volume could not always be controlled from the side menu. [378]
Resolved the issue where the motion sensor could not properly wake the system. [383]