Picture in Picture mode
ALLSYNC 4.0 now supports Picture in Picture mode (PiP mode), this exciting new feature helps you to keep your i3ALLSYNC session on the foreground while also working in other apps.
While you are sharing your screen, enable PiP mode by following below steps:
Open floating menu.
Click “PiP“ button.
i3ALLSYNC will enter PiP mode.
You can launch any other application freely.
PiP window can be dragged.
To exit PiP mode, simply click on PiP window and select the “Maximize“ icon.
To close the i3ALLSYNC PiP window, click the “Close“ button at the top-right side of the PiP window. Please be informed that this action will not stop the mirroring, but only minimize the i3ALLSYNC receiver. You can click on the “Present“ icon on i3Launcher anytime to resume the session.