i3RDM Client 3.4.0
i3RDM Client 3.4.0
Released 8/Jul/24
Also check out this article for a more detailed description on the new features:
As the system I reload my state to represent the current feature set
As the system I use System Service when privileged extension is not installed
As the system I provide the available pen and finger preference modes to the server
As a user, I only see themes applicable for my device on my device details page
Added support for i3Whiteboard SMTP command
Added support for pen & finger preference command
Added support for enable/disable "VR tools" command
Added support for "Enable bottom menu notch" command
i3RDM permanently generating ANRs when device was registered during the step in the i3SETUPWIZARD
RDMC version included in the header is not a SemVer compliant version due to new versioning logic
Remote configurations that have a new additional setting added to them are not parsed correctly resulting in a fail
Remote control overlay is windowed on ULTRA P2
deviceInfo json has i3CAIR info in the wrong place