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The main feature of the i3STUDIO is the possibility to set up your interface exactly how you want and need it through customizable widgets. You can add personal, quick navigation, and/or work directly to the home page.

Integrated widgets

i3STUDIO comes with several integrated widgets, for which the configuration is gathered in the bottom menu of the launcher.

Pull up the bottom menu with a sliding gesture, and navigate to the launcher settings page through the cogwheel icon.

TILES widget

The tiles widget on the home screen can be fully customized with navigation buttons that can quickly bring you where you need to be. You can add tiles, edit, or remove any tiles you don’t need. You can also provide a custom label (or name) that should appear on the tile.

It is possible to modify any of the navigational tiles, even the pre-defined tiles. To revert any changes to the pre-defined tiles, relaunch the setup wizard in the launcher settings.

Web Link Tiles

Add a tile that will immediately open the web browser to a specified web page. This page will open in a new tab in the web browser.

Application Tiles

Launch any application that is installed on your device.

Input Source Tiles

Navigate to the video input source that you prefer to use, e.g. HDMI, USB-C, the optional integrated computer in OPS bay, VGA, YPbPR video. The tile for the OPS input source is generated automatically, but can be modified or removed.

More will be added soon.

Keep your device up to date, as i3STUDIO will be regularly updated to allow for more features and widget implementations.

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