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i3Whiteboard 1.20.0

i3Whiteboard 1.20.0

Released 7/oct/24

Improvements and features

  • Added Icon library with the option for users to add their own icons
  • Added text recognition
  • Added Dual users mode

See for detailed information about the new features.


  • The eraser can obtain a color
  • when using VR tools drawing according to the ruler/triangle often results in a single dot instead of a line
  • Typing a multiline text which has duplicate lines ignores the duplicates
  • Cloud drives not showing
  • X3/E-ONE - When clicking on the "cloud storage button" a message appeared saying "login failed, please try again"
  • Text tool color picker settings applied incorrectly on tool selection in Whiteboard
  • Text selection and action menu visibility issues in Whiteboard
  • Actions menu remains attached to initial text element after creating a new one
  • Undoing and redoing a color transformation on a selection requires double actions
  • Changing color of the selection leads to leftover shapes when making an additional transformation
  • After sending a full screen screen cap to Whiteboard the image stays gray until pages are switched.
  • Annotate is saying "feature not supported on this device" after whiteboard stopped/crashed
  • Export menu contains wrong GUI in blackboard mode
  • can't open local file if a file from a usb stick was opened, and the usb stick is no longer plugged in.
  • Whiteboard crashes when removing USB stick when "USB" is selected as source in "Open File Dialog"
  • Actions are not registered until the object is deselected.
  • Features changes of objects in i3ANNOTATE are not always registered in screenshot in i3WHITEBOARD
  • Changes to selected object properties not saved when reopening file
  • Original object pasted instead of modified version after multiple copies
  • Background for "Display opslagruimte" is not large enough (in Dutch)
  • Copying a resized/recolored drawing and then pasting it will show the original sized/colored drawing instead
  • Copying a post-it and then pasting it after creating a new whiteboard will show a grey rectangle shape instead of a post-it
  • Clear screen function bug
  • The touch area of the AR tools are offset when the application is in split screen mode
  • VR tools are not displayed in side menu after exiting and starting i3Whiteboard while VRtools setting is enabled in Settings menu / VR tools are not displayed in i3Annotate
  • Doing a multi-select of pencil lines selects all the lines but it looks as if some are not selected
  • Copying an object does not retain the transform actions done between selection and tapping Copy

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